
A trippy little problem

We purchased a 2016 Airstream 16ft Bambi from a private seller. We set out for our 1st trip and found that all the GFCI outlets and the refrigerator were not working. The GFCI breaker kept tripping. I would reset it, then it would trip 30 seconds later. Luckly, the fridge also worked on propane, so we still had cold food. When we got back, I thought the breaker might be bad. I removed it and took it to Lowes. They didn’t have one in stock, but they offered some advice. They told me that it probably wasn’t the breaker, there is probably a fault somewhere in the outlets in the camper. I showed them the failed one that had a white substance in it with a small brown mark. They said that was nothing and it is still probably a fault in an outlet. I went to Home Depot and they also didn’t have one in stock and said it was probably a fault in the outlet. Next, I called Camping World…same story. Now, I am discouraged. I am no electrician, but it just seems it was the breaker.

Plus, if I can find one, it is a pretty easy thing to check. I finally found one at another Lowes. I also bought an outlet checker, just in case.

All the way home, I was second guessing myself. What if it isn’t? Will I have to spend the rest of the day working on this issue?

Well, I was correct, it was the breaker. I inspected the failed breaker again and concluded that brown mark was from the hot wire touching the white substance and causing it to trip. You would think that the 2 “electrical experts” at Lowes would have came up with that when I showed them the brown mark.