
Whistling Thule

I have a 2019 Toyota Tundra with a bare roof and I needed a way to carry 2 kayaks camping. Putting them in the bed of the truck was not an option because they hit the window of our Airstream if we turned too sharply. So, I ponied up and bought the Thule Evo Wingbar roof rack that clamps onto the roof. The reason…it was whisper quiet. The reviews were great, so I bought from REI which was having a 20% off sale. If I didn’t like them, I can return them.

Installation was easy. The guide was like it came from Ikea. Must be a Swedish thing. After install, I drove home. When I got to highway speeds there was annoying whistle sound. I Googled it and performed all the tips including wrapping the bars and moving them forward and backward. Still whistling. I thought about a wind fairing, but they were supposed to have that built in. With camping trips coming up and Covid, I was not able to take them back.

Solution: I bought some Rolu tie rings on Amazon and placed them in the T-Track just above the towers. The thinking it would change the wind direction. It worked! Just $28 and about 2 minutes to install, and they look cool. They are very heavy duty and bigger than I thought. I am very pleased with the racks that no longer whistle.